
Best Practices

Product Invention Sales
Product Invention Sales
Custom IoT Hardware Development in 7 steps
Whether you are showcasing at CES, crowdsourcing on Kickstarter, or pitching to upper management, a technology product’s appeal is more than just the [...]
How to Make a Prototype: Three Options for Startups
Reaching the prototyping stage is an exciting moment for startups. You’ve agonized over the design. You’ve debated about the materials, and you’ve saved [...]
Intellectual Property for Startups
Intellectual Property for Startups
Required reading on the Internet of Things (IoT)
Our Product Development Process
1.  Concept Exploration 123DESIGNS begins each project establishing a “vision match” with the client to ensure we understand the project goals, [...]
Your product’s design determines your maximum consumer appeal, performance, and profitability.  Your manufacturing, marketing, and sales efforts seek [...]
The importance of DESIGN
Everything around you is designed.  Some focus on function, like a hammer.  Others explore form, like jewelry.  In today’s increasingly competitive [...]